Hey everybody! (You too Kirupa)

I have an idea, though many may have already had it —

Kirupa! you should get one of those little icons that goes into the address bar in IE and Avant and other such browsers.

your little E with a page behind it just isn’t working for me.


Did I tell you I didn’t need that file anymore? Because, yeah… I don’t. Thanks a bundle.

The reason I remembered - I might need to put a slightly larger file on there if you’d be so kind. :S

Anyways, expect me in the Flash MX forum, peoples, cause I’m doing a fairly ambitious (for me) project

otnes 28 @ hotmail . com

send it there aislin

ps, it was already mentioned :wink:

I mentioned that before Aislin… great minds think alike, eh?

hey aslin! where you been?

dying. my motherboard is fried, so I’m on an old computer.

But since one computer is broken, that’s opened up some good ol’ cat 5 for my xbox, and I’ve been playing GR a little more often. :smiley:

You play that at all? might be worth it to get in a few games. :smiley:

And XXVIII thanks for your generosity - I’m just starting my projety thing, but when it’s done.

i havent touched my box in a while, i got GC with a few good titles. but i havent touched that in a while either, i guess i am waiting for something to really catch my attention, i have to get wolfenstein though, so that might get me playing, and a game would sound good, maybe this weekedn?

I could probably fit something in any time you could. Except when I get together with my bud to work on this history thing. UGH.

Wolfenstein was fantastic, but I only rented it.

There’s some brainiacs working on a way to make custom maps <i>AND</i> distribute them on Live. I wish I were a brainiac.

Anyways -

Yes indeedy sen, we DO think alike.

Because… great… minds… …

i say that icon shoild be the unibrow smilie!!!

haha lol :stuck_out_tongue:

well, i always had a problem with those icons. they’d appear in my links folder for a couple times, then it would default back to the stupid ie page symbol.

This is a very newbie-ish question, but how would I convert a GIF into an ICO file? Do I just rename it to use the icon extension?

EDIT: Nm, I just answered my own question :slight_smile:

Kirupa :beam:

Irfanview! :stuck_out_tongue:

or yuo could use something like miroangelo

Hehe thanks - actually I had a collection of .ico files in the hard drive. If you bookmark the main forum page, you should see an icon.

Kirupa (-:

if i had a nickel everytime philbo used an f instead of a ph id probably have about 6.75

lol 28.

but then you would have to change your name to xxxiiii.xxxxxxiiii




you lose

*Originally posted by Alex *
**lol 28.

but then you would have to change your name to xxxiiii.xxxxxxiiii


:stuck_out_tongue: **

there’s a reason the romans made it that way…

i know, i did that to be funny…
