Hey hey (like Krusty the Clown)

Whats to this place? Im kind of new.



well… we have trout…? :trout:


Nice to meet you! Oh just ignore phil, he is a superior being so he just slaps us around with trouts all day!

emoclew ,xoluben m’i dalg uoy nac nioj .su yllufepoh ll’uoy kcits ,dnuora yppah !!gnitsop

t’nod dnim keegnortcele ereh , eh si tsuj a yzarc yug . lihp si ytterp yzarc sa llew os tsuj erongi taht yug fo .esruoc i ma dalg ot evah uoy ta siht .murof i epoh ew lliw eb elba ot pleh uoy htiw ruoy gnihsalf sdeen

oblihp oblihp oblihp, uoy era eht ylno eno ereh taht si ton cixelsid eheheh :evil:

hahah lihp uoy kcarc em .pu :stuck_out_tongue:

lol uoy daer ym dnim lihp. daer eht daerht ni eht licnuoc fo apurik!

siht si os gnisufnoc…i og won
