Okay I hate to sound like a total n00b but what the hell is this stuff about a trout and being slapped by one. I was hopin I would just catch on without having to ask. But I must ask now. What Is It About?
Something that is taken from mIRC
[size=1]:dan4885 smacks 3d-iva with a large trout::[/size]
Umm… ■■■■… I can’t even remember how it started
And I’ve been with it since day one :-\
Mebbe lost remembers?
Makaveli started it!!!
Ask him :evil: :bad:
dats messed up DAN smacking me with the trout and I dont know why or how…
Yeah, I’ve started to relate trouts with the name “phil Jayhan”…
Where is he…?
next thing you know, it be aliens, anal probes, and trout…
Eh Phil?
alrite I am really feeling left out now. I just wanna know what it is, or the meaning, or under which circumstances does said individual recieve or warrant blow to the face area with a Oncorhynchus mykiss. hahahaha the scientific name for a trout.
Nah, just when ya feel slap-happy
one day i was in mirc and this moron kept using the command
/me slaps Makaveli_Da_DoN around a bit with a large trout
which if i did would come out 2:
- Makaveli_Da_DoN slaps Makaveli_Da_DoN around a bit with a large trout
so, i was feeling bored and i just started a thread with me smacking like 5 or 6 people with trouts then it just steamrolled out of control and eventually Phil became the evil serpant touting trout demon refer to taming of phil
thats the story …as far as i know…i don’t even remember posting that much in that thread …what my evil skizo personality did i do not know…and i bear no responsibilty for it… :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
*Originally posted by 3d-iva *
**alrite I am really feeling left out now. I just wanna know what it is, or the meaning, or under which circumstances does said individual recieve or warrant blow to the face area with a Oncorhynchus mykiss. hahahaha the scientific name for a trout. **
use it whenever you want…:bad: :bad:
whenever someone gets out of hand and is flaming use it, its nearly become like a 5th ammendment at Kirupaville
whenever wherever it appears you never know its like the lochness monster
I believe that marlins and salmon have also made impromptu appearances.
hey you know its funny, i never really thought of this…but you are a person( or cyborg) sitting at ur computer all the way in london adn we can talk instantaneously, i wonder if you have pretty roses in your house?
Phil, do you want the prime minister of england to barge into your house and push you around? no well then get a gun
*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
…The queen can eat my shorts…"…
just LOL!
*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
Mak started it and i also wanna know why every time trout slapping happens my name keeps coming up.
“phil” me in…
pj **
hey Phil the reason might be because of this
3d: here is the orginal thread from PAGE 1 http://www.kirupaforum.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=9666
its 6 pages long… :sigh:
<-- why is the guy who’s slapping bald?
no idea, but with this and the one Guig0 made…we are set with trout smilies
oh yea, and the trout thread might be more pages for those of you have smaller monitors…i forgot about the size difference and how many posts fit onto my small 15` monitor on my other comp… i hate using that small screen
:hair: <----why does this dude remind me of beta?
oh yea and the guy getting slapped is Phil…for all those that don’t know
what did you think it would be called? smackphil.jpeg? would that have been better? i guess you won the trout wars since you were the last poster…you persevered…good job
i don’t think so…didn’t you eat him?? i thought we sacrificed him to you so you wouldn’t eat us… :hangover:
No phil! I´m sure that are better taste kirupians, you see, I´m all skin and bones. :crazy: and after all we´re friends, aren´t we? You don´t wanna eat your friend, and if you do you will be with a huge somachache;(
Plz, I beg you! Have mercy oh giant werm from the deep, let me live my pitiful life.
[SIZE=1]ps: trouts are very tasty you know…[/SIZE]