Thank you! Footers workin

Thanks man!!
I feel better now!!:trout:

I think you hit “new thread” instead of “reply”…lol

Glad you got your footer working though.

WHy do you keep trout slapping yourself man?

Just for that… I slap you with a trout :trout: TAKE THAT!!!

(this forum is famous for trout slap fights)

Ohhhh, I wasn’t prevy to the trout fight thing. I just thought it was funny! I will no longer trout slap myself -

However - to get you back - I double trout slap you!!

Ha HA!

:trout: :trout:


You catch on quick :beam: :wink:

Take THIS!!!

:trout: :trout:

…et tu brute?

I’ll play your silly fish game!

Ha HA!!


I like to call this little number: ‘trout-man-choo’

I slap you with a crazy trout:

:crazy: :trout:

I double it up with the cyborg trout of love:

:cyborg: :trout: :love:

I know that you’re about to trump my pathetic little attempts at the classic pun; however - I still have this:

I give you:

:elderly:8] C:-):ub::P:trout::trout::trout:

Old School, Zorro cap wearin’, fez havin’, unibrow growin’, mockin’ me before I - triple dog slap you in the face!!!

That’s all I got…

So there?

Wow… man, I can’t come back at that… so I guess all I have left to pull out is my TROUT SHEILD!!!

Drat…Trout Shield. Guess we’ll call it a draw!

Deal :love:

I got my :eye: on you :evil: