Hey... I'm new!

Hey guys…

I’ve idled around this forum for the past month, so I figured I would register…

I picked up Flash MX because a school project required more than PowerPoint… Flash basically has captivated my attention from programming, etc… so I am here now. Other than learning Flash, I spend my time making Websites and PHP programming…

Funny thing is… I am planning to go to MIT in the next few years if I get accepted. :wink:

Lastly, does this Website have an IRC channel? I’ve searched the board for it, but to no avail…


PowerPoint Datapimp Shivvers

Welcome to the Kirupa forums :chinaman:

cool, welcome to the forum, I like your avatar. And yes this forum does have an IRC channel it was very active for sometime but now not to many people join.

It is #DALnet channel #kirupaforum

Woah… you are right about it being empty. :frowning:

Anyways, thanks for the welcome data and digi :slight_smile:

Hey ameripax!
Welcome to the forums. The IRC servers are dead right now, but there are plans to bring it back to life. That may be the next thing I try to tackle :stuck_out_tongue:

Kirupa :panda:

*Originally posted by kirupa *
**Hey ameripax!
Welcome to the forums. The IRC servers are dead right now, but there are plans to bring it back to life. That may be the next thing I try to tackle :stuck_out_tongue:

Kirupa :panda: **


(jumps for joy) count me in :thumb:

Oh and welcome to the forum your life will never be the same :beam:

Thanks :smiley:

lol… Good one Philbert… What’s up man and welcome to the forums…

Although stay away from IRC>. I believe they are more of a pain than anything else… Just get AIM… it’s easy and alot faster…

or icq… =)

welcome aboard! :thumb:

See how warm and welcoming this board is? :slight_smile: Have fun :wink:

Just a word of warning watch out for Kitiara and her shovel. She’s deadly from 3 ft.

Stunning but deadly said Ron Weasley style

Hey guys… I have AIM and MSN… PM me if you guys want them at all :smiley:

put them on your profile!

I’ll just put my AIM handle in my profile… like to keep the MSN one kinda per request. :stuck_out_tongue:

I hate AIM… I do NOT install anything from AOL under any condition on my machine.

Trillian rocks tho :wink:

lol not many people PM asking for an ID unless your famous or a mod. lol

I am using Trillian Pro 2, my AIM is Julian*** not telling. :stuck_out_tongue:

datapimp… think you could PM me your AIM? :stuck_out_tongue:


I PMed ameripax the ID.

Now if Senocular PMs me I will be one happy duck. :stuck_out_tongue:

AIM: Julian485 - I block easy n00bs