Kirupa please read...!

HI, i’m a frequent fisiter of you website and i love it what your doing here…

i have a question and hope this is a good idea to unload your webserver of trafic… or juist to give more info to the ppl that need it…

i set up a IRC Channel on Efnet (the channel name is still a secret) i want to wait until you give me the goahead…

let me know if this is a good idea…


I am not really all that keen on it. I used to have a chat feature a year ago, and it didn’t really pick up all that well. Secondly, I really won’t have time to spend time there…I can barely find time to troll the forums :slight_smile:

I will consider it though :slight_smile:


hmm…its secret? is is #kirupa maybe? :stuck_out_tongue:
anyways, i dont think that will work too well because just look at the channel #flash in any server. i go to the servers like dalnet, efnet etc etc and when i ask i question usually no one answers since they are either afk or dont know. i guess what i’m saying is it would be tough to run a channel without multiple people who are very knowledgable always on hand to help.

yes, you do have a good point don. i voted no. its just impractical. but it was a good idea.

Okay, well i get the point… pitty though… but in a way you guys are right… i have my own channel and i think it would be kewl to start #KIRUPA.

I was in the channel waiting and keeping it up but i gess i can close it up…

Dhamm if bin voted away, i feel so stupid now :slight_smile: (not that i was’nt stupid yet :stuck_out_tongue: hahaha)

Thanks for you time Kirupa pitty that you dont have more time to do things like this… oh well… see yuh in the next question!!!

And reader thanks for voteing…