Kirupa needs to get into gear and make an active IRC channel

please vote

No need… Gte AIM and talk to everyone on there is what I feel :slight_smile:

you voted eh
thats soo repulsive
i put that there as a joke lol

I voted “YES HURRY.” Kirupa better hurry up, or I revolt!

That would be just great! :thumb:

Actually what’s so hard about creating an IRC channel? I’d love to do it myself, but because of work won’t have enough time… :sigh:

id create one, but it wouldnt be dedicated

whatever happend to the old one? No one goes in there anymore…

for those of you who don’t know its on the DALnet server and the chanel is #kirupaforum.

i can make a channel if any one wants me too

noone is there

OPS I’m sorry kaotic I said the wrong server. Its on the DALnet server chanel #kirupaforum. Sorry about that.

i thought so
i was in that one last night and all we were doing is playing tag

quick everyone flood the channel!!!

I could make a dedicated easily… But I don’t use IRC>. Cause it SUCKS lol

The channel and place to chat are there (they are the same things I guess :)), but there needs to be an organized time where we all pretty much go and hang out.

Having a lot of people go at random times doesn’t help too much :alien:

so whens the designated hangout time

how about…right now!

there are currently 3 people in the chat! woohoo

alrright tag youre it

Bah.> That means I’d actually have to dig out IRC>. And that’s a ****load of work


*Originally posted by Kaotic *
i thought so
i was in that one last night and all we were doing is playing tag

quick everyone flood the channel!!! **

exactly why I stopped hanging out there. I see enough schoolyard games during the day. Ya’ll can keep all these instant messenger, english ruining, social escapes all you want.

never have liked 'em, doubt I ever will.
