I was wondering : don’t you think it would be a good idea to keep all the flas provided by us when we help people with something ? I mean, a lot of questions do come back quite often, and the best of Kirupa forum can provide an explanation, but what I’m thinking of is a best of Kirupa’s fla.
I know there’s an open source section, but I don’t think it’s the same thing at all. Tell me what you think.
Hey Pom,
I agree! I have seen a lot of great FLAs posted by you, upuaut, eyezberg, sinfiniti, and others that are great. I will create a section for storing all of the FLAs people post here on here
And Thor, thanks for your French-loving answer, but you must be aware that we don’t eat croissants with red wine, only with camembert. Ever tasted that ?? It’s a unique experience, really. :rollin:
hm…if Kir = “penis”, i wonder what “upa” would mean…no harm intended, kirupa, just curiousity. and ilya, cammembert is white wine, non? i think i have tried it before. i never look at the label of the wines i drink. wine’s wine to me. but cammembert does ring a bell.
I got your e-mail. Not a problem. I sent you a reply but it was returned Daemon. Send me an e-mail with your address and I will send you that reply. But don’t worry.