HEY YOU! Yeah you, wanna battle?

Grinchy Poo, Death is a part of life as some day you will die. It is meant to make you think and consider.

As for the name at the bottom. Sushisource spelled my name wrong in another battle, so I think my new battle name is EatHam.

Nice vollies everyone.

P.S. The original battle Image size says 600x400. Seems like everyone has a different sized image?

600x400 is silly, the original image is a multiple of it so I don’t think it’s that big of an issue.

o well some sizes are different its not like people vote on size lol. But I want to see all the entrys. These are looking really good.

The size limit was meant to LIMIT people so no-one could make a 1024 x 768 picture with loads of stuff in it that everyone would vote for. The small size was part of the challenge. To see how well you used the space. But I guess now, short of asking everyone to change the size of their pics, I’ll just have to let it go. If anyone’s image is larger than 600 x 400 they are disqualified from the poll!:upset: J/king.:stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway nice work ppl.:hugegrin: Especially to Ethan and Simplistik, I love how you went in a completely different direction Sim, not just using the trees. Great work from everyone though. This has turned out to be a great battle and I think their are more entrants. Aren’t there?:h:

I changed the size, to be nice… :slight_smile:

Just can see so much detail but it’s okay, like I said 600x400 was a multiple of the original size so doesn’t really hurt much (except detail) :slight_smile:

Thanks dude. Appreciate it.

<img src=“http://www.mutedlogic.com/kirupabattle01_resized.jpg”>

resized :confused:

Wow I must have Jedi mind powers.:devious: :bad: You will all give a million dollars.:hugegrin: And then you will all vote for me.:beam: :cool: :stuck_out_tongue:

::What vote for you, Man I must be on crack or something what are these crazy ideas of choosing flash and then giving him money o well ill just have to forget them ok I feel better:: lol ok flash maybe you can get us to change out size but I dunno about the rest give it time though.

So how many more people are we waiting for?

I think it’s just zao and DDD. I’m not even sure if zao’s in or out. As soon as they post we’ll have a poll.

sweet i cant wait.

Here is mine. I did not fully get to take it where I wanted to. But my work schedule forced me to cut it short. (I only slated an hour for this)…Good luck to me…lol…Some good entries.

I had to drop the export quality

Nice work Ds. Creepy.

Nice work DDD! I love the way the dress has an almost liquid quality to it. Great texture.

Here are the names of all the entrants:
**Entrants: **[color=red]DDD[/color],[color=red]Simplistik[/color], [color=red]Flash Gordon[/color], [color=red]MutedLogic[/color], [color=red]IdolThoughts[/color], [color=red]EthanM[/color], [color=red]Exorxist[/color], Color Pup, Reefster, [color=red]Junyap[/color], Vdaminator, zao, moncreyweasel

(if your name is red you have submitted a picture)

[color=black]We’re just waiting for[/color] zao, Sharif, Colour Pup, Vdaminator and moncreyweasel.

If your name is on this list we’re waiting for you! :z:

thanks guys. If work permits, I may take this all the way where I wanted to (it is rather unfinished). That is if the other guys are laggin still. But for now this is my entry.

And to the other guys

hey if you guys like I can make a battle page off of my site so everyone does not have to look through the post. Whatch think?

Sounds like a plan. A good plan. Yeah you should do that. It would make voting easier too. We’ll put a link in the first post.


Looks pretty good, good job on way you used the tree’s lighting.

here you can link directly to my image w/ this link instead of hosting it:

We should boost the image sizes back up to orignial pic. size :slight_smile: