
I’m sick of people thinking, ok time to run ‘Operation Think’. this is the first warning everyone, mroe to come soon! :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

Okay okay okay everyone…

Anyways… HEY fortitude…

Welcome to the Kirupa Forums… it’s kind-a bad timing with all of the arguments and everything but it should settle down within the week… Don’t worry about it…

have some fun here in Random… Post some questions in some of the help forums or join a battle in the Battle forum…

have fun and ejoy your stay… Get to know some of us as well… we’re quite friendly… REALLY… hehe…

playamarz ~ :player:

yea fortitude, im sorry for my actions as of late, i have been stressed out, but that should not be any reason to take it out here. Please excuse my other posts.

Kirupa fourms does not ever have much conflict, but it just happes some time, but it has been handled, and its done. But any ways, sorry again.

hey man and welcome. lets get EG in here to make this kid feel really at home, we need that huge banner lol. but yeah with all this war and stuff we have been a little on end. but dont werry and dont be afriad to ask and give my man (or gal) just have fun and try not to spam (boy that is hypocritical eh? after all i am the spaminator…lol)

welcome, this is really a great place