well why? and why did we move?
new host yadda yadda yadda … look at the post below. lol=)
Get your butt on AIM beta :-p
You punk ! :beam:
ok they fixed. boy this is weird. when will kirupaforum.com be forwarded here?
nvm it already is!
www.kirupaforum.com DOES get forwarded here already.
And BTW mdipi. According to the new footer crackdown taking effect here at kirupaforum.com your footer contains too many lines of text. Check this thread to read up on the crackdown.
*Originally posted by playamarz *
**Get your butt on AIM beta :-p
You punk ! :beam: **
- Don’t order me around
- I don’t wanna
- Oh, and I gotta go now anyway
hehe. I will be on tonight.
im designing mine right now to meet requirements=)
L.I.B. laying the smack dizown!!!
*Originally posted by SureShot *
**L.I.B. laying the smack dizown!!! **
Just obeying orders :bad:
- Don’t order me around
- I don’t wanna
- Oh, and I gotta go now anyway
hehe. I will be on tonight.
- Too bad… Deal with it ***** boy
- Well… Fine… Meanie…
- Yeah… Tlak all tough then leave… I see how you are… Come back and fight runs into pole
lol Allright. I might be on tonight
we have to follow k-mans orders about the footers. after all it is his web site.=)
*Originally posted by playamarz *
**1. Too bad… Deal with it ***** boyhehe…
- Well… Fine… Meanie…
- Yeah… Tlak all tough then leave… I see how you are… Come back and fight runs into pole
lol Allright. I might be on tonight **
Haha, you crack me up. Alright, seriously, I have to go now.
And Alex: Yep the mods and kirupa agreed with this. Because some people were experiencing lag because well… imagine loading 15 footers (my max posts per page is set to 15) all at 100K… that would be 1500K per page in footers alone, not very good. And the size is because with people on 800x600 monitors (like me and many others believe it or not), large footers fill up much of the screen.
i know. i totally agree.=)
fine i will put the 2 words else where…but can the rest stay?
as long as the footer is 15kb or under=)
its like 6 lines of code 2 text lines, and a ball lol. i think it is, but then again i dont have the fla any more, RIP my hard drive
Your footer now qualifies. Thank you mike
I can’t read your footer, dippy. too… small… brain… breaking…