I suggest you take a day off for yourself. Leave everything behind, drive somewhere and relax. Don’t bring your cellphone, don’t bring anything, get in touch with yourself, camp somewhere, clear your mind.
I agree, get away from all your problems even if for only 24 hours
go somewhere, get your brain working on the problems rather than the emotions you’re feeling just now. Look at each problem and try to come up with a solution. Your head just feels like a muddle right now because of all the problems your having and the emotions too…give your head time to step back, take a breath and think
even if you can’t physically get away, just try to give yourself some time to think of a plan
let us know how it goes, hoping you feel better soon :thumb:
share more and get better advice…whining will only get you " take a day off…take it easy…it will pass kinda advices" if you really want our help…share everything and maybe some of us can help better, can understand your pain but you got to understand our helplessness too…
sry to hear… yea im with max on this one go somewhere peaceful and quite and relax it will give you time to really think and you will be in the middle of no where so you are forced to sort of view it without the ability to fix it. This will give you time to add everything up and sort of arrange what you need to do in your head without getting yourself overwhelmed all at once. And like he said No celly.
thats a hard hit i remember not long ago reading about something really big that happened to you (positive)… you dont have to remember its probably better not to.
I wouldnt say it gets worse. Emotionally everything is blown out of proportion in high school (and younger) so even though maybe the conditions themselves aren’t practically all that bad, emotionally they can seem devestating.
Just hang in there. You’ll get through it. Just take a deep breath and do what you can to make it through the day. All in all, it’ll be good for you in the end. No one said life was easy (and if they did, they lied ;))