Hlp with flash/dreamweaver site

apply wat tot the movie

*Originally posted by germaniac *
**apply wat tot the movie **

Mispost on my part, do excuse.

yes i want the home button to put it back to scene 1 frame 25

why is the home button not working?

becuase it’s inside the movie when i picture appears so you need to have it in you main timeline

how if i wanted the html to only open the page on a page that it only comes up as 640x480

like if i wanted the explorer window, when someone looked at it make it so it comes up as 640x480

do you mean a pop-up

no i want the whole webpage to just be 640X480

like, go into the advanced tutorials and click on creating a full flash site, then click preview sample site, maiking it like the sample site

yeah a pop-up window:cowboy:

wat ever i just want my homepgae to be just 640X480 without all the white bg in IE

ok you need to have a start (or splash) page, this just contains a word or picture saying enter and when you press it you want a “pop-up” window were your site appears in a window 640x480.

if yes you need some Java in your main page

i will post what you need when i find it:)