
Hi people…
I’ve seen websites w/ buttons that imitate the rollover effects on Mac machines…ok, it’s friday, and I’m tired so i just can’t describe it very well.

WHat i mean is that, the buttons are arranged next to one another, and when you roll over one of them, it gets bigger, and then the ones next to it also increase in size but do so depending on its relative distance to the one button being rolled over.

Am i making sense? Tell me I am…

I think this tutorial is similar to what you are looking for. I haven’t tried it myself, but i hope it helps.

That’s IT!!!

Thank you thank you thank you!
I knew somebody would understand me…!

Thanks Julz!:chinaman:

btw, is this kind of menu/effect called a tsunami? Is that the “official” term?

Here is a file to play with. I think it is similar to what you’re talking about, the green bulging buttons right?

:love: ~ Seretha

Yep, this is exactly what I’m talking about…I took a look at the source file, but I am not really following it.

It’s ok, I’m sure I’ll figure it out…eventually…

Thanks Seretha :stuck_out_tongue: