what is that supposed to mean:q:
… - no comment
oh ok
Wow. A million eh. That’s pretty nifty. I want one. It would be good for hunting AND foresting at the same time.
wow… this sucks
Yea… But it could be a very effective fire fighting tool
whao! and check out that handgun
So the gun has no moving parts. Which means the bullets have to have a self-firing computer program in them. So it would only take one good hacker to set off all the bullets in the gun (and in army depots etc…) at once.
When will people learn that we should not make new better weapons. They start off being better than what your enemies have. But a year later, criminals have it. And unless the cops get really fast flying cars in a year, we’re gonna have people who can shoot a million bullets before a cop even gets close to the scene.
[edit] set not see [/edit]
This is like the gun from Judge Dread. Eventualy it will be DNA restrected.
Weapons are evil. Sure it’s “wow cool, that sounds great” now, but what about when it is used? The destruction it will cause, the lives it will take, does that sound great?
yeah, i just read this story too. i don’t see how the handgun is connected to the whole thing? i mean does it transform into one, or is it a totally different thing. i was kinda confused.
it says it can also throw fireworks shows…i sure as hell wouldn’t wanna be anywhere close to that general area, just in case, you know, one of the grenade rounds were still in the gun.
The Metal Storm handgun employs electronic locking, which can limit firing access and stop unauthorized use. It can even be programmed not to fire within, say, the grounds of a school.
This part confuses me, if someone has the ability to override the authorization, won’t they have the ability to override firing zones? Unless of course they are assuming the real authorized users might turn on them.
And ok, you can’t fire WITHIN the area, but you can fire AT the area… so is it really any use? You could widen the effected area to out of the bullets reach, but that leaves the “enemy” quite an area for a safe zone.
Im not very weapon savvy (part of my hating weapons thing), so I may be missing something, but I just don’t get the point of this weapon other than to kill a lot of people then throw a fireworks show afterwards :-\
*Originally posted by NaliWarCowZ *
**So the gun has no moving parts. Which means the bullets have to have a self-firing computer program in them. So it would only take one good hacker to see off all the bullets in the gun (and in army depots etc…) at once.
When will people learn that we should not make new better weapons. They start off being better than what your enemies have. But a year later, criminals have it. And unless the cops get really fast flying cars in a year, we’re gonna have people who can shoot a million bullets before a cop even gets close to the scene. **
actualy the bullets would still have a normal kind of primer. Instead of a firing pin an electric current would set it off. The bullets are still gun powder and lead. So the firing mechanism is in the gun stil land not the bullet.
I do agree though this isnt’ a step forward to anything good.
Thor i think ther is more then one modle of gun. THere is like a big grenade launching set up and a machine type gun and then a hand gu nthey are working on.