Hey everyone:smirk: I am new to web design, and am in the process of designing my first site. I olny have the splash page and my update page (which is still in progress itself).
Just wondering if people can go to my site, and give me some honest feedback. (i.e. design, colors, layout)
Thank you to whoever visits:beam:
oh…my site is:
Great start man - I like the simple layout, very eye appealing. I can’t wait to see it finished, please post again when done!
OH YAH and one more thing… Nice to see you found the caps lock button and made sure the green light wasnt on
I like the design, but I hate the blue background. :hangover:
And I moved the thread to the site check forum.
yup I agree with ilyaslamasse. I like the design, but the background gotta go. Try having a white background.
I was thinking that myself…i will change it, i will try white and see what happens, i also updated some last night…anyone feel free too examine and feedback:ub: thank you everyone for the feedback, i need to grow:beam:
Congratulations on a job well done so far.
Here are some things I found:
It’s centered on the Enter page but not inside the site.
Will you be adding the You will need Flash. Get Flash Statement to this page? If not then the Enter page sorta becomes redundant…
The scroll buttons are almost invisible to the naked eye. If you give them a hint [or tint] of color [Like the sunflower yellow perhaps?] then they might stand out a bit better.
I would reduce the width of the frame around your scroll box. It’s quite thick considering you have such a small stage size. Maybe even use a color for the frame that would fit in better. You seem to have a summer flavor going on so I would choose a more vibrant color swatch to work from.
I probably could go on and on but as this is very much in the beta stage I will wait until faze 2
One last thing, Is that the best size for your site?? The reason I ask is because you might want to think about making the site bigger. It looks like it is going to be some sort of personal site that will grow and I’m sure you will have no problem with content for it. Big scrolling flash sites are perfectly acceptable [if designed properly].
Nice work
well thank you Kel - 420, I appreciate the feedback.
yea, I will be centering the page, I was messing with that the other night.
That’s good that you pointed out my scroll bars being to light, I kept thinking to myself (maybe those are to light). I now know. thank you though, im glad to see you liked my site! makes me feel good.
and about making it bigger, I most likley will be making it bigger, it is kinda small right?
oh and also the border around my “news” yea…i was thinkin that was too big too!!
Thank you!!
anymore feedback is welcome=)
Yeh, I agree - for a first site, I think u are wel on the way!! U remind me of me - never get a site up and running as I keep changing the layout!!! No, ur site is looking neat. One thing I would say, is try not to use too many colours, as it will cause confusion and incoherence (big wordz!!!)
Keep it up!