Hello! This is my very first website please check it out.:beam:
Hope you like it.
Here’s the website:
Hello! This is my very first website please check it out.:beam:
Hope you like it.
Here’s the website:
Is my site really that bad? :*(
After you post your site, if noone responds for a bit - don’t think it’s because your site’s bad or anything. Sometimes it takes a bit before people start commenting. =)
Ok, regarding your site… For your first site, I can’t really say if it’s good or bad. There are alot of things you still need to work on… Especially the color scheme and layout. The font size is too big. Also instead of using those pokka-dots, why don’t you put some kind of a picture? I look at the site, and there’s not that much content…
Of course , since it’s your first site -there’s not much of a portfolio to put up there. But try to think of some things you can put up there that will give some interest to the viewers. Since it’s your first site and all, it won’t be fair for me to go on and on regarding how you can improve your site. Overall you’re on the right track, just work out the smaller details and you’ll be set…
The font size is gigantic…Bring it down some…work on your color scheme. Also I found a bug in your sound. Wnem yo click on the music link the music stops playing and presents you with choices. If you click close panel without makin a choice the music will not play. Since I made no choices the music should still be playing. I am analyzing deep cause this is your first site. Also I do not even know what this site is for. Be more descriptive on the front page. If you bring to font size down you wont have to scroll. I am usin 1280x1600 and the text is huge I can imagine on 800x600. you will make the viewer feel retarded.
Well I can’t add much to what has already been said, the only thing I can suggest is to plan out your projects next time. I know this is your first site so it’s obvious you put it together as you went a long without any idea how it’s really going to look at the end.
There are a number of things you can do before you start on a site and I’m going to list them for you.
Rough sketch on a piece of paper how you want your layout to look like, it doesn’t have to be elaborate or anything, just something you can use as a guide. Mark down stuff like where your navigation and content is going to be.
Also think of a theme and a color scheme that goes well with each other. For example 2advanced.com site has a “futuristic techy” theme while a site like rayoflight.com has a “nature” theme. Both sites has a color scheme that goes well with the theme they chose.
I hope you’ll keep in mind those 2 things when you work on future projects, it can save you a lot of time and improve your designs. Good luck. =)
yep, big font, but I do like that you are using loading bars. It would be nice if you disabled the selected button or gave that button an indication that it is already selected.
good luck on your work
IMHO: I like it.
Its better Flash then I can ever dream of doing, so just in that case, I like it. I really suck at replying to one of these kind of threads but I try my best, hehe, though I do agree that the font is a bit big, I still like it.
Nice work!
Do you want me to be brutally honest? Or would you like me to sugar-coat it? First thing, get a better guestbook. Free guestbooks usually suck especially when they are hosted by “Yahoo!”. Does your host support PHP? If it does, then check out this guestbook that I made and I uploaded the files into a ZIP file here:
Unfortunately none of the code is commented but I included the SWF so you can change the colors and layout and such, just don’t touch the code unless you know what you are doing.
Your site has not even begun to scratch the surface of what is possible to do in Flash. I realize that this is your first site, but there is so much more that is possible.
Color Scheme: I don’t really feel that the yellow and green go well together. My suggestion would be that if you want to use green…use a more pastel type green along with a light gray color. Sort of like this:
<img src=“http://www.livetoskateboard.com/curious/greenLayout.gif” height=50 width=150>
If you want more of a yellow layout, something like this may work slightly better:
<img src=“http://www.livetoskateboard.com/curious/yellowLayout.gif” height=50 width=150>
Font: Way too big. Scale it down a bit. Check out www.2advanced.com www.theory7.com www.ultrashock.com You’ll see that the font they use is generally quite small and it is still readable and crystal clear. Generally smaller is better when it comes to web development.
Forum: I don’t konw if you can with AIMOO, never used them, but once you finalize the color scheme of your site, make the forums match it. Helps people to associate and its pleasing because there is no major swing in colors.
Good work for a first site. Keep it up.
Thanks for all your comments for my first website. I’ll try to improve my website :beam:
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