about to send the url to a prospective employer. please comment I’d love to hear your opinions.
great color theme.
Good clean work.
A contact form would be appreciate.
again…thank you very much. I think the feedback I have gotten has been great. You may see this site again once I work some of these suggested changes into it. :thumb:
Great! I like the red color! (Looks like the one used on redhotchilipeppers.com = i like it )
Nice portfolio. Maybe a bit hard for users to figure out what the little squares are for… ? And, as soulty pointed out, maybe one should see the first sample in the portfolio when it loads.?
once your links appear, they take two click before you are able to view your examples, I’ve seen that problem with xml before, not even sure if your site uses xml. But other than that, I really like the site.