please give me an honest opinion about my site, i need all the help i can get.
Its no where near finished, some links don’t work yet, and i’m hoping to do something better with the portfolio section as i’m not too happy with the layout as it is. But am wanting an opinion on it so far before i carry on with it, so that i don’t need to back track later.
any websites that i have done before have mostly been blue, grey, white or black, so to vary it a little i thought i’d give a different color a try. Personally red is one of my favourite colors, but i guess its not going to be the same for everyone unfortunately which i’ll have to try and do something about.
Transitions i’ve never really been very good at. better get my thinking cap on and see what i can do I:-)
is there anyone else that has any critisism, like i said earlier i need all the help i can get. The more opinions the better, then i can get a better overall idea of everything i need to do to make the site good.
For the most part I like the look a lot… red works for me. Only 3 things pop out at me that you may want to look at. Much of your text is very blury and is hard to read, that’s an easy thing to fix. For my taste, the rotating star moves a bit fast and is distracting while trying to read. And the last little nit-picky thing is I would leave out your gender from your profile. And to be honesy I’m not really sure why I don’t like it in there… I guess it seems a bit tacky or something. Gender shouldn’t matter, it’s your work/portfolio you want people to concentrate on. Plus they should know you’re female… Julie.
the problem that you were saying about the links i have noticed but i cant seem to fix. Not had any problems with it in any other sites ive made, and dont understand why it is doing that. Dont know if it is some kind of glitch or not :-\ Hopefully i can figure it out and correct that problem when i continue the site.