Hover Button and photo Gallery

I hope I can explain this right.
I want to have a single page for my photo galley.
I have several set of pictures from the different trips I take.
I want to make a hover buttom or link and have the user click the link and it loads the correct picture gallery vs having to link to another page to view each galley. Are you following me?
I have my link bar or hover buttons to the left then to the right I want the picture gallery to load on the same page. Is this possible? Let me know!
Thanks for your time.

Hey goose,
Have you considered using a frame? In the top page of the frame you can place your hover buttons. The hover buttons can link to load the photogallery pages in the bottom frame. Is this something that are willing to try? If so, reply back and I’ll try to give a detailed run-down of how to create that then.

Kirupa :hat:

Yeah this will work just fine for me! Can you give me some information to get started?
Thank you!!

Sorry for the delay goose, I’ll have a response to your question shortly.


Hey goose,
Ok, try this:

1.) Go to File | New Page or Web. You will see the New Page or Web pane appear on the right. Look at the options there.
2.) Select Page Templates. From the Page Templates dialog box that appears, select the Frames tab. From the Frames tab section, select the icon marked Header. Click OK.
3.) You should see two dark colored areas also known as frames. Select New Page for both of them.
4.) In the top frame insert your hover buttons. When specifying the page to link to in the hyperlink section under Hover Button Properties, click the Browse.
5.) The Select Hover Button Hyperlink dialog box will apppear. Click the Target Frame button and select the bottom frame representation on the graphic of your current page on the left. Press OK. Any link clicked on from that hover button will automatically load in the bottom frame.

You can repeat the hover button technique for each individual hover button you have. I cover frames and hover buttons in the appropriate chapters in my book if you need some information on editing or modifying the buttons/frames to suit your style.

If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to reply back.

Kirupa :slight_smile:

Thank you for taking the time to explain this to me! This is exactly what I was looking for.

your welcome :ninja:

Similarly, I have a follow-up question.

I’ve used FP2002 to create a photo gallery -> slideshow. I now have a top row of thumbnails, flanked by left/right arrows to advance the thumbnails. On the bottom, I have the full-size picture. This is fine.

However, I would love to add additional left/right arrows to advance the main, full-size picture.

In other words, right now users have to click the right arrow to scroll to more thumbs, then click the new thumbs to see the full picture.

I want them to be able to just click a right arrow, which will automatically pull up the next, full-size picture (this saves them one extra click per picture).

Ideally, I would like to preserve the functioning of the thumbnail left/right buttons if possible.

Is this doable? Or do I need a custom JS (which I’m rather clueless to).

Thanks in advance for much help,