Hover Captions Help!

Hey Guys,

Another problem. I have followed the “hoover capions” tutorial and everything seems to work fine. I have added a bit to make a virtual tour of the university campus. When I click on a building, and a new swf is loaded into a container movie clip, I would like the hover captions that lie under the container movie clip to be invisible. what happens now, is when the new swf is loaded and you move your mouse over the clip, the hoover captions still pop up, over the new swf. (That is not what I want to happen) Here is a link to clarify. If you click on the “William K. Weaver Building” which is the first building you come to from the main entrance, it will open the new movie, and you can see what I mean about the other buildings (capions) showing up when you roll over them.


Any suggestions would be great! Thanks!
