I’m having a hard time figuring out why my hover captions won’t show up when i put it on my main swf file. I’m wondering if it has something to do with finding the correct path? I tried reading up on lockroot but doesn’t seem to work. I think it has something to do with the _global. thingy but not that familar with it. Any suggestions?
i tried it with tooltip version from ffiles.com yet still the same. i’m just curious as to why the as codes break when i add more things to it. the output doesn’t give me any errors. any suggetions?
still no luck. I tried it on another fla and that seem to work. I’m clueless as to why the tool tip won’t work for my orginal main fla. Is it because i have alot of other AS in it that is conflicting with the tool tip AS. I still believe its the _global that is messing the tool tip codes, or maybe its the swapdepths?
the fla is too big to send. Is there another way i can send it?
when i create a container and load the tooltip.swf into the main swf the captions work. So i’m guessing it is the pathing issue and i’m pretty sure it has something to do with _global. …
Hey Gupps, I dont’ think you provided enough information for us to help you on this forum. But I do have this piece of advice:
It seems it started off as easier to fix the problem than to redo it. But it has gotten to be such a pain that if a fix is possible it will take you forever. Just redo it. http://gotoandlearn.com/ has a great tutorial for this called Flash tooltips.
soig, thanks. but it is working, just thatwhen i put it into the main swf with more AS and mc and graphics the tooltip breaks. it has something to do with the paths as it works when i load the tooltip swf into the main swf