Hover Captions from a MC holding a loaded swf?

I have a problem I hope Kirupa can help (I got the tutorial here).

I built some hover captions on my menu bar that slides out. The menu bar is a swf that’s called into the main swf from a button and loaded into a MC in the main swf.

It works as advertised until I use it in the main swf. Then, the menu/swf it’s self attatches to the mouse and won’t let go. I dropped _root./_level0./_parent. and/ or sliderContainerMC. from the path names and the text on the captions will show up and work proper, but the graphic behind the text doesn’t work.

I’ve posted in FlashKit, and a yahoo flashMX mail list with no help.

The main swf with the captions is @:

You can view the semi working version of it all at my web site:

I’ve tried putting _root back on like the tut has, and even _level0 _level1, _parent and the name of the MC the swf loads into sliderContainerMC. Every one of them makes the menu swf attatch to the mouse.


Should work now

That works as advertised, thanks so much … Did all you do is assign it _parent or had I messed something else up? I haven’t looked at it really close yet (Only had a knapp in the last 24 hours).

Much appriciated though, Kudos out to Claudio and Kirupa! …


Yes i only changed _root for _parent.
Using _root can be painfull when you want to load the movie dinamically into another movie. Maybe you want to read this:

Gotchya … I thought I tried to impliment _parent, but I think maybe I didn’t add it in the correct locations.

Thanks a TON though, that little problem was just killing me …

Cheers and thanks much,
