canvas size…for the web…how bout 500x500, .jpg
sound good?
so as soon as we get agreement…let’s do it…
oh yeah this is my first battle…is there anything special i have to do when posting my submission?
canvas size…for the web…how bout 500x500, .jpg
sound good?
so as soon as we get agreement…let’s do it…
oh yeah this is my first battle…is there anything special i have to do when posting my submission?
If your opponents all agree on 500x500, then thats good.
File type never matters
And you post your submission on the last day it is due (don’t want to give people ideas of what yours looks like before they are done… that gives them an advantage), you can A) Post it as an attachment or B)upload it to your server and link to it.
rock on. :evil:
holy cow!
Sorry guys for not replying for a few days… I have been disconected from the world for a little while. But Im back now and its awsome to see that the rules have been kinda lay down while ive been gone. SWEET. I love the idea of using the word “evolve”. That was really cool. I also agree that 500 x 500 jpg or gif is a nicely rounded size for the battle too.
umm… thinking of any other rules. Can use Illustrator, Photoshop and hand drawn too. Ultimate goal is to visually reproduce your own interpretation of a word that we will eventually decide on using for the battle.
Oh and for that font I just drew it in Illustrator using the guides for the x height of the letters and the same radius for all the rounded parts of the letters too. I made the stroke really thick and gave it a rounded tip and then turned the stroke into a fill by using one of the functions in illustrator and then just combined all the paths by using the pathfinder (very handy vector tool).
below is another new one I did in the mean time.
anyway… I am keen for the word evolve if everyone else is! oh and where do we submit and all that… this is my first battle too.
<B>Theme:</B> Typography with the word “Evolve”
<B>Programs:</B> Illustrator, Photoshop, and hand drawn images.
<B>Size:</B> 500x500
<B>Competitors:</B> Megatron, LoungeActx, cdr1986
<B>Date:</B> February 23, 2002 (1 week from today)
Does everyone agree on this?
i agree
Oh yeah, I forgot to answer your submission question Megatron.
When the due date is up you will post your entry in this thread. You can upload it to your server and post a link to it, or you can attach it to a post if it is small enough to do that.
After entries are submitted and due date is up, I will create new thread that will contain a poll for members to vote on who they think should win.
i’m down
just waiting for one more i suppose:)
Yeah, cdr1986 still needs to agree. I will send him a PM. If I get no reply within the next day the rules will just be official.
are you a mod, lost in beta. do you make it official
Sorry something came up, and I won’t be able to try this time OK.
Ok, thats fine cdr, sorry you can’t participate though.
And yes, I am a mod, so I do make this official
Offical Rules thread…
It is a sticky in the battle section called “Typography Battle Rules”, you can refer to that for them instead of hunting around in this thread for the rules.
sorry, im new - how do i join a battle?
thanks in advance
Man… I should just start making battles official right off the bat, it seems to be the favorite time to join (right after the battle starts).
I will add you to the list. But keep in mind all rules are finalized already.
I wish you luck
Hey everyone!
Here is my battle piece -
title : evolve
description : typography evolves, then evolves, then evolves…
This has been fun!
Goodluck to all!
Awesome, now let’s just wait for Megatron to post his entry.
Keep in mind Time Zone differences, so if the day is over for you it may not be for him.
holy crap… yours are both great. I am soooo sorry I have not posted yet. I am slack. I will post it in a few hours. I know that I am probably disqualified but I will still post it anyway.
be back soon.
I will allow that few hours (after all, a few hours isn’t much) to submit it
allright, ive finished… and here it is
ummm… my reasoning is that: seeing as it is a typo battle and we are using the word “evolve” I decided to use the word evolve. I wanted to mix a little bit of oldskool style typography with newskool type and come up with a juxtaposing style piece of work that would perhaps arrouse your eyeballs. anyway hope you enjoy it and thankyou for everyone participating in the battle I am really happy to see the others…
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