Typography Battle Rules

<B>Theme:</B> Typography with the word “Evolve”
<B>Programs:</B> Illustrator, Photoshop, and hand drawn images.
<B>Size:</B> 500x500
<B>Competitors:</B> Megatron, LoungeActx, mariofan
<B>Date:</B> February 23, 2002

Good Luck Megatron, LoungeActx and mariofan :slight_smile:

View battle thread here…

sorry to keep bothering - but how do i show my piece (once its done)

thanks again

It’s mentioned twice in the typography thread.

haha…LostinBeta…getting tired of the questions C:-)

Kinda… and I am a bit irritable today as well… :hair:

can you push the date back. teehee:beam:


its been set already…

*Originally posted by LoungeActx *

its been set already… **

the time period is too short. some people who would like to do this don’t have unlimited amounts of time on their hands.

you aren’t in the battle though…

well i would be if the time got pushed back.

The rules are set, and were agreed upon by the original participants. Anyone who wishes to jump in late must abide by the pre-set rules.

god has spoken. i shall ask no more.


Hey everyone!

Here is my battle piece -

title : evolve

description : typography evolves, then evolves, then evolves…

This has been fun!
Goodluck to all!

Here is mine:


There you go…


pretty simple concept…

Great entries so far :slight_smile:


I’m wondering what Megatron is doing…he’s probably gonna pull out some crazy 3d or something…

:rambo: :rambo: :rambo:

LOL, I was wondering why I was getting confused, you guys don’t have to submit here, you just have to submit in the original battle thread :slight_smile:

ohh…i just got the response…and there was a submission…so I figured why not upload…
