How annoying are download limits?

hmmm… those people with silly restrictions (poor TOOL), are there any ‘premium’ services available? Do you think they would be worth it also?

*Originally posted by TOOL *
**what do you guys download everyday?! videos, songs, etc? **

I’m always downloading movies, west wing episodes, games that never freaking work on my computer, music, etc…

I usually download my TV.

so nothing illegal then:sure:

lol, you’re one to talk :wink:



no WHAT?

i don’t download anything apart from the odd MP3 but i own all the music i like and i only download songs before they come out and if i like a song or album i will buy it. :scream:

am on unlimited cable modem here… At least I have yet to hit a limit if there is one.

Same here :slight_smile: