My dad informed me tonight that we went over the limit by quite a bit in May… have to pay about 80 bucks (AUD) thumbs down to that.
I hate download limits.
Do people out there have the same problem?
My dad informed me tonight that we went over the limit by quite a bit in May… have to pay about 80 bucks (AUD) thumbs down to that.
I hate download limits.
Do people out there have the same problem?
nope. I’m on a 512/128 dsl connection, me and my dad pays 40$ or so every month.
we can download 24/7 as much as we want, it’s still 40$ a month
nope. blueyonder (UK) has unlimited bandwidth usage
apparently ntl (main competitors) have just put a 2gb a day limit on theirs. not sure if they charge you extra, or just cut of your conn. either way: haha
awww, that’s unfair
we are on a 800MB/month limit… we’re being ripped off, but there are 3 computers using that connection, although it’s my brother and I using our PC’s the most… pretty much everyday :sigh:
800mb… A MONTH?!? wtf!!! get a new conn ffs!
I can get though 800mb in two days! If that!
hmm I’m pretty sure it’s like that… oh well, I can’t exactly go “Ok let’s move up a plan to get a bigger download limit” because I’m not the one paying the bill
I have a 10 Gig / month download limit… but 800 MB certainly sucks!
*Originally posted by TOOL *
**hmm I’m pretty sure it’s like that… oh well, I can’t exactly go “Ok let’s move up a plan to get a bigger download limit” because I’m not the one paying the bill **
just move to the Uk
hmmm sounds tempting, but while in the middle of uni? i don’t think so although another incentive is some gorgeous swedish twins I know there… :love:
i have a 1gig a day download limit on my BT Broadband ADSL 512kb connection.
who downloads more then that a day
i only have a 40gig hard drive:smirk:
800mbs? thats just plain EVIL! You have my every sympathy. On the plus side, you are not with AOL i hope! If you were with them then things would TRUELY be bad…
lol that is plain EVIL but atleast I’m not on AOL
personally I’m happy with what we have now for our connection, even though the limit should be higher, I’m not the one paying the bill
*Originally posted by TOOL *
**awww, that’s unfair
we are on a 800MB/month limit… we’re being ripped off, but there are 3 computers using that connection, although it’s my brother and I using our PC’s the most… pretty much everyday :sigh: **
that’s funny… cause that’s what I usually download A DAY.
what do you guys download everyday?! videos, songs, etc?
if your service is giving you limits, then switch to someone who doesn’t, verizon for example. they don’t have a limit, but they are in pits dancing with the devil known as the RIAA. if you don’t wanna get caught by them downloading MP3s, choose someone else. if you otherwise don’t give a rat’s ear, go ahead; they’re a good service.
hmm yeah but its kind of got to be local, i assume verizon is an american one :q:
um, i would believe so…i’m not sure if they’re going international or not. i didn’t notice your location there
tis cool, no one takes note of the poor Aussies
I’m on 10 gigs a month too. When I exceed that or the 1.5 gigs a month upload, I’m put on a 56k connection ANd it lasts for about a month. It’s TERRIBLE ! Luckily that only happened once to me
I am on unlimited cable modem here… At least I have yet to hit a limit if there is one. =0) Wow 800mb… Mandrake 9.0 was three 700MB files. Wow.
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