
My dad just told me we could get a 512/128 connection at home with unlimited use, if I pay 7$ more every month to them =)

That means we’ll double our connection speed at home :beam:

I’ll be able to download with a steady 50-60 Kb/s!



cool. what type of connection did you have?=)


cool at first, but…

hihi i have a 1mgbit connec’
me dad works at homes sometimes.
HP is nice - free DSL…
Well there all gonna get fired so what…

I’m on a US West Duel T1 connection right now :wink:

28k :*(

no kidding, you are REALLY on a 28K ?
It must take you ages even to load the forum ! :geek:

We have a 2Mbit connection at school…

only 6 computers on it :stuck_out_tongue: nice :smirk:

That’s great man - the new speed will be fantastic for the first couple weeks - then it will wear off again :slight_smile:

I have a steady download of 150 - 200kb a second connection at home… it’s pretty nice :slight_smile:

I know… If I made a measly 150$ extra a month, I could have the same 2MBit at home… :frowning:

but WHERE do I get that kinda money?

on the corner…

singing “here sailor”



Rev, please ~:P


if you were good, you wouldn’t have to do it… much…



I refuse to shave my legs…

there’s always chemical depiliatories…

Plus, if you are in the <i>right</i> neighborhood, you won’t have to…



oh yuck…

that’s just plain icky…
