How can i write the "" in a string

since the double quotes limit the string, how can i incluide them in my string, is it something like
string = “/“2/”,2”

which would output: “2”,2

Btw I am doing that because a buttton tells the _root to go to string, would it then goto to scene 2 frame 2 or does that not function ???

thnx !

close enough, it’s

string = "\"2\",2"


All right thnx for the tip, however what i wanted to do doesnt work:

on (release, keyPress "<Left>") {

I want the button to send the user to scene 1 frame one which i have called
'framelabel on the root level:

framelabel = "\"1\",1"

it just daint work !

[AS]framelabel = ‘“2”’[/AS]
works for sure

im not sure if it’s possible to do that, as the gotoAndPlay(scene, frame) expects two arguments, and the scene name must be quoted string, i.e. you cant have a variable name in there.

Get rid of those scene/frame numbers, just USE a framelabel in your goto!
on release gotoAndPlay (label);

i’d love to but does the label work for a different scene too ?