How do I link an external file?

Hi there!!!

I’m kind of beginer in Flash MX, and I’m trying to know how to link an external html file to a button in a flash file.

This html file is not on the web, is in my hard disk, so I’d really like to know what script can I use to call, load, open or what ever this kind of file from a button in a flash file.

Let me thank those of you who can help me…

welcome to the forums. First, open up the actions panel ( do window>actions if it’s not there). Then put this code in:
[AS]on (release){
//replace “somerandomfile.htm” with the file you want to load in
//with an HTML relative path.
//the second option specifies where you want the page loaded
//_self means the current page, _blank means a new page.