Linking external flash pages

:m: Please help me, I have spent many hours trying to figure out how this works and why it doesn’t but i can’t do it!!! I want my contact us button on my flash page to go to the contact us page when you click on it. I already exported as a flash file to the SAME folder as the homepage and I already tried the code to load an external flash file and it doesn’t work. and yes I changed the file name to match what is in the code, please help me!
I need step by step instructions cause I’m a noob.

I would upload the file but it is too big.

Want to link a flash page with a button
External flash page file name -contact us

Thank You!

Write down the code, maybe you got it wrong, or upolad an example file (not the real one, since it’s heavy), so that we can work on something!

Here is the actual button I’m going to use and I included a sample page that i want the users to go to when they click on that button. It wouldn’t let me upload the swf file so i uploaded them both as a fla


In the button, use the loadMovieNum function.
Example: on(release){loadMovieNum(nameofthefile.swf, 1);}.
1 it’s the level where the file will be loaded. If you write 0, the new file will be loaded in the place of the previous (I think you want this…).

when I click on the button it just takes me to a white screen. when I use your code

Are you sure? I tried just a minute ag…
Whops. The name of the .swf goes with “brackets”…Or quotation marks…Or whatever is the english name, I call them “virgolette”…

can you please write down the code for me again since I don’t know what I’m doing

Thank you!

Go Italy!

[quote=Thesystem3;2341013]can you please write down the code for me again since I don’t know what I’m doing

Thank you!

Go Italy![/quote]

Eh…You says “Go Italy” just because you want me to do your job…
By the way, since you don’t know what you’re doing, the code is:

on(release){loadMovieNum("example.swf", 0);}

where “example.swf” is the file you want to load. In the name of thw .swf, avoid space between words…

actually I got it to work but i don’t like that you can still click on the button behind it, I hid the button by putting a white background behind the contact info, but you can still click on it. anyway to fix this?

[quote=Rik81;2341025]Eh…You says “Go Italy” just because you want me to do your job…
By the way, since you don’t know what you’re doing, the code is:

on(release){loadMovieNum("example.swf", 0);}

where “example.swf” is the file you want to load. In the name of thw .swf, avoid space between words…[/quote]

No, I’m italian too!

Beh, potevi dirlo!!!
Is it working now? I’m sure it is, in my pc it went clear and fine…

you can’t see the button but it still shows the little hand to click on the link behind the page. I wonder if i export the page as an image instead, it might work?

no it didn’t work with the image thing

I’m sorry, didn’t read your last messages!
You can load the new clip in a different level and frame; you can load it in a level without the button!

oh ya i forgot to put it to 0 instead of 1, it works now. Thank you thank you thank you soooo much! Grazie!

My pleasure!