:q: Ive been to several different sites and have always wanted to know how to put sound into flash animations. All the animations i make have no sound. I would like to know how to insert sound into my animations. Please help me. Thank you for your time in reading this question and please try to help me.
The simplest way of doing will be…
Open up your animation…
Import the sound file you want into the Flash…
Create a new layer on the timeline…
Drag the imported sound from the library to the main timeline…
Give enough frames till you see the end of the wave form inside the frame…
Play the movie and there’s sound…
Open up the Using Flash and seclect Adding Sound for more information…
First off import your sound file in the same way you would import any other file, File > import or Crtl R. Now that it’s in your library, you can use it and to use it, all you would do is click on the frame where you want it to start playing and open your properties panel. You’ll see a drop down menu for sound which by default is none, from that menu you should be able to select the name of the sound file you imported in. Below the menu are other options like looping, just place a number in there for how many times you want it to loop. Depending on what kind of sound you’re playing, you might want to set the “Sync” to something like “start” or “stream” as well. I hope that helps. =)