How does the freelancers here work?

i have a webdesign company and i’d like to know how does the freelancers from this forum work.
I’d like to have an idea of prices that you charge, method of payment, if you use to work with companies that you can’t see the face, and which ones you worked with before…that kind of stuff.
Average time you need to make a site would be nice to know too.
So far we have only worked with ppl from Portugal and they do the work and we keep talking while it’s developed but we’d like to try to have work from ppl from other places if the quality and method or work is worth it.

By the way if you need any info about us this is our site:

If you don’t feel confortable in telling details about payments and that stuff on the forum send me a mail to alapimba ‘at’ gmail ‘dot’ com

If you want to send me your portfolios please send only links. don’t fill my mail box.

Thank you