how much is to design a web site in flash how much is a regular price. just curious
Do you mean:
“How much should I charge for a Flash site?”
if so, then the answer is:
“It depends.”
Whether or not you are good. Whether or not you are only using Flash, if you use some backend scripting and other stuff then you can charge more. I try to make it so that my clients can update their sites on their own, that way I charge more money up front. I charge pretty low, 250-500. But I don’t really use Flash that much anymore. I have been using PHP, XML, and databases to make my sites dynamically upgradeable…
Dude, there are way to many variables there
How big is the site, what does it include?
… more details.
Also, there are a ton of answers to this kind of question, just do a search of the forums with the search button in the uppper right
■■■■ you Jubba - you are too quick for me!
if you have enough confidence in your voice, you can sell them for thousands.
lol Sheep! Nice footer… :trout:
Yeah. This isn’t a static thing that can be answered. If it is one of your first sites and there isn’t much to it, then I would say about 75-100. How much time did you put into it? Say you put 10 hours into making it. Since you aren’t that well known yet, then you would say you want 7.5 per hour. 7.5*10 = 75. Do it like that instead of a lump sum…
i disagree,… i think 100 dollars is very weak. if you have to be pitching with for a 100 dollar site, you havent taken the time to build some fake websites for fake clients… if you had 5 fake sites that showed your quality of work, there is no reason you couldnt nab your first site at 500.
the part of webdesign that is stressful, is when you have 5 days worth of money,but you need 10 days to do the site as good as you want to… just make sure when pitching your prices,that you get enough money to be able to let you be creative and make it your best site - because if you dont, you wont be able raise your prices and you’ll get suckered at 500 bucks a site for awhile…
always research local webcompanies prices so that you can say with full confidence that your competition charges 2,000 so your saving 70% by taking a calculated risk with the new guy .
100 bucks is not enough money to inspire you to create your best work… you may aswell just create fake sites that you have full artistic lisence with
It all depends on experience tho. If the site is small and simple, and you are new (ie no experience or at least none to show) then they are not going to pay you 500. I know I wouldn’t. If the site is huge and it requires a lot of work then yes try to get as much out of them as possible. Have them make an offer and then haggle. I started out with small sites and I charged very low. Got me quite a few clients and I didn’t put too much time into it. Now my clients are getting larger, and I can start charging more…
i did the same, only i we made a couple fake sites and began at 500, 2nd site at 750 and now do not begin for less than 1,000.
its not about experience, its about your portfolio and how much confidence you have during the contract negotiation.
portfolio. That is what i meant by experience. How much you have to show and the quality of your work. If you have none then you can’t charge too much. And if this person is asking how much to charge, then they probably don’t have much of a portfolio.
Are you saying 100 bucks an hour? Or just 100 bucks? I would not do a splash page for 100bucks, If you have your prices to low you will put yourself in a very peculiar situation. SOme people believe that you get what you pay for. a 100 buck site is going to be just that a 100 buck site. Your price also speaks to your competence level and confidence. If someone was trying to sell you a car there comes a price range that would ultimately make the seller seem foolish and you would not take them seriously. Like if I were trying to sell you a 1999 BMW for 1,500.00 bucks you would not believe me. Same thing with your web prices if it is too low they will not have faith that their site will be as good as it can be. By all means be competitive with your prices but dont low ball yourself. I hover my prices anywhere from 30 bucks an hour to 75 bucks. And definitely research the competition.
refer to my last post.
When I was charging 100 people knew the quality of my work and my competence level. I just needed money so I charged very low. I know 100 is low, but if you don’t have an extensive portfolio with proof to back up your abilities then you are not going to get off by charging 1000 for a site. It doesn’t work that way. Also, it depends on your client and how much they can pay. If it just a personal site, then they aren’t going to give you 500. But if it is a company with money then yes you probably could get away with 500 or so.
You guys are still thinking like experienced developers. You have a portfolio. You have been doing this for a while. You have to think like someone who is just starting out and trying to get their a$s in the door
right, well thats why i said what i said about fake sites…
why waste your timing tracking down a 100 dollar client and have to build a website to his standards and ideals… what if the guys colours are pink and yellow or something… You have to go use that as “experience” on your next pitch. what if he runs an accounting company and wants a boring HTML site,… Thats great experience…
if you just made up some fake sites for fake clients the very best you possible can and using your own creative resources with no restrictions from a small minded shop owner (if you dont have a website by now in 2003, your probably not a brilliant businessman/woman) ,
Why not make 3 cool sites that you know will impress whoever you show - …??
I definately agree that is a good idea, and as soon as I get my domain, I was planning on making fake sites, but I am taking the fact that this person is asking us about the price to mean that they are newer and they don’t really know what they are doing, in the sense that they don’t have any fake sites made or anything like that.
If they had fake sites made and they were experienced then they wouldn’t be asking this quesiton.
we have worked 16 hour days for 9 months. we ARE trying to get our foot in the door… We have also been living off of our business since day one, so the severity of needing a good client has always been with us - no real safety net… things are just finally beginning to roll now, but its still scary sometimes, because we havent built a safety net yet…
but if you start charging 100 bucks, - your never going to get ahead.
there are a couple advantages of this industry…
If people DONT have a website already, they really dont know anything about it - and if you are the first person they have talked to - everything you say is taken as truth. Im not implying lying to them - but just being smart about what you say
find the most expensive local competition & tell your client what they charge… the client will probably check this out, but probably wont go looking for others to verify… one is enough (AS LONG AS YOU HAVE SPOKEN IN CONFIDENCE)
this way, your 500 bucks looks great at 75% - 90% off…
Moral of the Story: Make some sites for yourself or make up topics. This is what I did and sounds like others have. My experience is 100 buck clients are usually the largest headaches. Or if you have the time and patience go all out on your 100 buck clients. Just tell them to keep the price confidential. Some people may actually contact people on your portfolio prior to hiring you. I have had that happen.
I have to agree with Sheep here - the short and sweet mantra is:
Don’t sell yourself short. Doing work on the cheap drives down prices for all of us.
definatley. people who are cheap on the money cause the most problems… they are so worried about getting their moenys worth they turn into assholes.
I understand that you are running a business. I am not. I am a student. I do what I do in my free time. I create these sites for fun, and I make money off of them. I am studying archaeology. I am not a CS major. I am merely learning these languages and skills because I want to, beacuse I like to. I like doing this. Web development is actually my safety net for my future. Because it is something that I can fall back on. I can charge lower because I don’t run a business doing this. I make the sites and people pay me. I know that I am good at what I do and that I could charge much higher for the sites that I make, but I don’t. Most of my clients are people that I am familiar with and I make their sites as favors. Any money i get from these sites is extra.
If the person who asked this question is running a business and he has a portfolio base, then yeah, go ahead and charge 500. Hell if you are good charge 1000. But if you have no base, and this is your first real client and they don’t want a lot out of their site, then you are never going to get away with 500. Regardless if they are completely computer illiterate, they will not pay up 500 beans w/o some proof of your abilities.
I charge low because I can. If I am charging 250, and you are charging 500 and we can both deliver the same thing and we both have the same ablilities… then client will most likely go with the cheaper price.
Well, yeah. I am not disagreeing with anyone here. I am just tyring to make you see my point of view.
If you don’t have a portfolio, then people aren’t going to pay a lot for a site.
That was all I was trying to get at.