I wonder, at what age are you guys going to, or did you leave school (college, university included… whatever you do or did)?
I’m at my “temporary job” right now and everyone seems impressed with my young age: 21. I’m planning to go study for another 4 years though…
I’m almost done with my normal (borrowing a term from Kit) school - 12 years of elementary/middle/high school education. I plan on attending a university for 5 years and get my BSc and MS in Electrical/CompSci, and hopefully soon thereafter get an MBA. So, the way I figure it, I would have about 19 years of education done by the time I am 26.
Sheesh Ive been studying for 17years now in Australia, when Lostinbeta told me the other day he felt old for turning 18 that made me feel very old and Im only 21!, Ive finished a diploma in Product Design and about to finish a degree in Multimedia Software Development. But when Im on Kirupa posting away and child prodigy’s/ geniuses like Lostinbeta and Senocular come along, I think to myself “is there any hope for people like me” LOL…Hoping to land a proper job soon, it feels like ive been studying for a lifetime and all im doing is ‘code monkeying’ for my univeristy
BTW I hope this isnt a daft question but whats the deal with you guys with the ‘k’s’ in your avatars?? Is that the sign of a flash god?, or someone who just posts to much!? haha
BTW I hope this isnt a daft question but whats the deal with you guys with the ‘k’s’ in your avatars?? Is that the sign of a flash god?, or someone who just posts to much!? haha
It’s probably a combination of the two.
I think taht how many years you sepend studying is influenced by what you want to do for your career… Some things it’s best to study, for others nothing beats practical experience.
went to school for 12 years and got high school degree, now i’m almost done with bachelors (3.5 years) and i will go on to do masters (hopefully only 2 years).
I went to “normal” school for 12 years, then took 13 years off… went to a 16 month salt mine called the California Culinary Academy, took another 5 years off of school, then went to a 10 month design school to hone my web design skills…
Heh! I’m 21 and still confused… don’t worry, you’re not alone…
I have a Bachelor’s degree in Advanced Computer Science (like they call it here). In other words, I’m an Analyst / Programmer, but still feel that I didn’t find my path. That’s why I’m going after my dream now: film making. Even if it’s “risky”, this is what will make me happy… I hope.
Do what you really want to do… don’t do stuff to follow everybody…
Im in Year 12 and been studyin for 13 years… seems so long. Now im up for my HSC (Australia’s finals) which im startin to panic about… Im hoping to get some sort of cadetship or scholarship at University of Wollongong and do some sort of computer related course but dont have a clue what to do…
wow…although I have strong intrest in flash…etc…i don’t think i’ll b doing my future on it though. My parents (and i) want to do something in the field of nanotech engineering…but then…i dunno nething about that yet…sort of…but then i know too much about computers already