How much should i charge for this work?

As some of you may know, i’m currently working for a real estate company that isn’t paying me enough to do web design, graphic/print design, clerical work and database management.

However, I talked it over with them and they agreed that any work i do for them will be without any of my design input, and will just be me creating new pages for their website and such.

In the interest of improving their site, i suggested a flash slideshow and a different photo gallery.

I created a sample page(the first one is always free ;)) of something minor they could do to improve the look of their site, while decreasing the filesize of their already heavy .mov slideshow.

here’s the flash slideshow(i know the music isnt working, it’s a sample page)

here’s their old one

here’s the new photo gallery

now, my question to all of you is… what should i charge them? i was thinking of asking $100 for both, per page. is that too steep? it’s incredibly easy to make the slideshow(thanks kirupa:)), XML + music. but the photos with the “torn” edges is a bit time consuming since i have to dropshadow each photo.

is $100 too much? or should i ask for hourly $50/hr to do the work.

if my question isn’t clear enough, let me know.
