How much would you charge?

Site with maybe 15 pages
php mysql with a page to update inventory for owner
no transactions, only available inventory with a mailer form to ‘buy’ or order stuff.
maybe a small search feature or incorporate atomz.??
All html, no flash, simple nav. Real cut and dry.

I was thinking maybe 750, b/c it’s for a friend. Normally I wouldn’t touch this for less than 1500 estimated.

Please do not bother to reply if you don’t know what I’m talking about

//edit// please do not take into account that I was in this guy’s wedding. :beam: I want estimates for a perfect stranger and I’ll go from there.

It would depend on the company for me to accuratly quote.

I would charge anywhere from 1500 to 3500 depending on who the job is for.

I personally dont mix business with friendship. never works out right.

Well, I hadn’t planned on it but he had a guy walk on it b/c he couldn’t finish the job.

The company is a radiator and engine part distributer. Limited inventory, etc…


not funny

*Originally posted by T-O *
**1$ **
I think T-O might be line for some more burnage :wink:

maybe he didnt finish?

Thank you very much… I appreciate the great advice.
Where’s the Rev when you need him? Mr. Mass? Kit?
I feel violated. :sigh:

I would be very careful of cutting your prices for a friend… If your friend was a CPA, would you expect him to do your taxes for a discount? I don’t think so.

I have found that the clients (even friends) who get the best price, complain the most. At least if you charge your normal rate, then you can take the complaining in stride, and feel good about the work given.

Also, when your friend recommends you to someone, he won’t say “and he’s real cheap too!” Which can open a whole new can of worms…

I prob wouldn’t touch the gig for less than $2k, on a “parts and labor” basis. Then, if it took less time, your friend could get the refund, should you choose to be so kind.


I estimate the number of hours required for each portion of the project, then multiply by two, 'cuz it always takes longer than you think. I then multiply by my hourly rate to come up with a quote. In this case somewhere between $2000 and $2500. On small projects like this I require at least half in advance.

I’m thinking I’ll shoot for about 1500, depending on the amount of inventory and also a few other factors. Thanks rev and abzoid for the advice. The php and mysql will be fairly easy and quick, I tend to dwell on the layout more than I should because I am constantly making **** and then scrapping it and starting again, and then changing, etc…

Nevermind, The client ended up deciding to go for a complete package with online purchasing, a shopping cart feature, inventory management, etc… price has changed. :wink:

How much now?

don’t know yet, base 3g and hourly after that. Simple design, very little graphic work, mostly php/mysql and css so I can probably hammer it out pretty quick.

**** - never knew web sites were that expensive - I’m gonna meet with someone to do his and thought I might propose $100 (i’d be happy) but hoho I discover it’s over twenty times more. Gawd.