ok so long story short.
my job is looking to give its company website (s) a facelift and they for the time being insist on a banner type header navi.
the programmer they have inhouse was graceous enough to reccommend me …telling them “hey, he knows this stuff, ive seen his work and we can def use him, id like to bring him in”
so they bought me in…long story short, one of the guys saus that they want something like this
and in these 2 links, they want something similar as far as the top FLASH part goes…
my question is…what is that worth…time i mean…ive never had to charge for piece work b4…always did whole sites etc…
so whats a good reasonable price??? im nervouse cause i work for these ppl in a non design way so…you know, i dont want them to think im tryna rob them lol but i dont want to charge 100 bucks either…
any ideas, i need help . im stumped lol