Price for a banner/header

well im new to all this but i have a client who just wants a top header/banner for there site and i wondered how much some of you guys would charge for just a plain one. not flash or aimated just plain photoshop header.

size wud be 110 x 750


I’d charge by the hour, but that’s just me.

Agreed. Something that small I’d charge by how long the whole thing takes me rather than on the size. :slight_smile:

well I have a small question… How would you charge someone by the hour?
I mean if your working at home, how would they know that your really did work for X amount of hours?
Sorry, I’m not in the business yet, too young, but would like to know, Thanks

I guess they have to take your word for it…
I mean it can’t be too out of proportion because they see what they’re getting and they can probably get a good idea of how much time you spent on it.

Hrmm, I see.
Well that does seem a pretty risky idea, but that is what being a free lancer is all about right?

well like Yeldarb said, it all depends on the quality of the work the client wants and how much they want to spend, sometimes clients give a idea on what their budget is and so will determine how long you should work on the job, but then some clients arent really worried about the cost and want a very good job.

for a job like this i agree by the hour is the way to charge.

so if i was going by the how wats the avergae rate u wud charge a few quid?

i’d love to charge by the hour. but most of the time, i have no choice but to charge per project… not too many clients for me… :frowning:

Desire, it depends on what your level of design is. Each designer charges a different amount of money per hour based on their skill level, and reputation. I would say if you’re starting out you should charge 30-40/hr, maybe even 20-30 if that doesn’t fly, but you should establish that w/ the person b4 doing the banner. When you build up a clientel just steadly increase your rate.

I use Sitespring which is an online project management/integration tool. That allows the client/me to keep track of tasks hours and a bunch of stuff. Really good add-on to the company. It also improves your credibility when the client sees that you track progress.

Also for small jobs I sometimes charge a flat rate. But becareful as you can get trapped into that. SO be real direct in what a flat rate encompasses as well as what an hourly rate accompanies.

What kind of header do you want, like what style. I’m not to busy, and if it wouldn’t take up to much time, I could use the practice. Give me an email, with some specs, and I will get back to you on what I come up with. It may take a day at most for me to reply to your message.

My email:

Lucky, he’s making a banner for a client, not asking for one.

O, well now I feel stupid. Thanks for tellin me, that would have to been to embarrasing if someone else saw.