How not to reload?

I was talking to someone about a full Flash site, and they wanted to know if there is a way to check if a movie is loaded; and if the navigation button for that moive is pressed, to not load it again.

I looked through the AS library and didn’t really see anything that would pertain.

Any ideas?

For reference, he said he made the site basically following the “Full site” tutorial from here.

Anyone, anyone?

Bueller? Bueller?

ok well im not too sure about seeing if a movie is loaded but you can disable your buttons or you can use actionscript to set what i liek to call destinations to your movie clips. meaning when a mx is at a certain x, y axis it will stay set so there is no reloading of preexisting movies…

an easy way to disable butons is by using the with() function. in other words if you want your button#1 not to be clickable then simple extent your frames and in frame 2 disable your button_1

did i help or just confuse you more?