My problem is about using variables between class definitions. After searching for how to do this i discovered the Get/Set functions of as.3. The only problem is that i am not experienced enough with this kind of statement to get it working, so i have come here to seek help from the wise and masterful members of Kirupa.com.
Here is some more info:
Inside a fla called “Main” i have 2 MovieClips. The first is called Main and has a class linking to the com/Main.as file which has this code:
package com{
import flash.display.MovieClip
public class Main extends MovieClip {
//The definition of myVar.
public var myVar = 0
public function Main() {
The other movieclip is called block and links to com/Block.as which is this:
package com{
import flash.display.MovieClip
public class Block extends MovieClip {
public function Block() {
//Here is where i want to trace and change my variable.
//Because it is not defined in this file it will not work.
I think that i can apply this method here, but if any better ons exist please post them too!
Extra details:
Both movieclips are on the stage, in the same layer and on the same frame. The movieclip called Main has instance name “main”, class “m” and base class “com.Main”. Block has no instance name and no class, but a base class of “com.Block”.