How to change a menu .fla template - request for help

Hi there!

I am a newbie in Flash. I found your site by an advice from a friend: “Go to You will find great information”. Great site, with a lot of relevant tips and information.

Well, I am here to request some help & tips to solve a problem.

I’m workin on a .fla file of a menu ( - 3d spiral menu 02).

When I change the “option” movie, all animations disappears. I saw in action a order to duplicate the movie. Erasing that order noting will work. How can I put diferents subjects in each “option” button?

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,

count = 0;
while (count < VerticeNum) {
count ++;
this[“z” add count] = Math.cos((count45) * (math.PI/180)) * 50;
this[“y” add count] = Math.sin((count
45) * (math.PI/180)) * 50;
this[“x” add count] = (count * 40) - (VerticeNum/2 * 40);
duplicateMovieClip(“Vertex”, “Vertex” add count, count );
duplicateMovieClip(“Line”, “Vertex10”, 100);
setProperty(“Vertex”, _visible, 0);
setProperty(“Line”, _visible, 0);
CenterRotationX = 0;
CenterRotationY = 0;
TrailerX = 50;
TrailerY = 360;
// 3d calculation;
function calc3d() {
c = 0;
while (c < VerticeNum + 1) {
Xang = Xangle * (math.PI/180);
Yang = Yangle * (math.PI/180);
// -----------------------------------------
// — y rotate —
// -----------------------------------------
this[“zpos” + c] = this[“z” + c] * math.cos(Yang) - this[“x” + c] * math.sin(Yang);
this[“xpos” + c] = this[“z” + c] * math.sin(Yang) + this[“x” + c] * math.cos(Yang);
// -----------------------------------------
// — x rotate —
// -----------------------------------------
this[“ypos” + c] = this[“y” + c] * math.cos(Xang) - this[“zpos” + c] * math.sin(Xang);
this[“zpos” + c] = this[“y” + c] * math.sin(Xang) + this[“zpos” + c] * math.cos(Xang);
// -----------------------------------------
// – 3d to 2d –
// -----------------------------------------
this[“Depth” + c] = (1 / ((this[“zpos” + c]/perspective) + 1));
// -----------------------------------------
// — draw —
// -----------------------------------------
this[“Vertex” + c]._x = this[“xpos” + c] * this[“Depth” + c] + CenterRotationX;
this[“Vertex” + c]._y = this[“ypos” + c] * this[“Depth” + c] + CenterRotationY;
this[“Vertex” + c]._xscale = this[“Vertex” + c]._yscale = (this[“Depth” + c] / 2) * 500 ;
// -----------------------------------------
// — Z-Sorting —
// -----------------------------------------
this[“Vertex” + c].swapDepths(this[“Depth” + c] * 500);
// set angle;
function setAngle() {
TrailerY = TrailerY + (NewPosY - TrailerY)/5;
Xangle = TrailerY;

I have problem with this one too!