ok Mods. Here is the solution.
- delete ANY threads that are complete spam.
- Lock Any threads that deviate into spam
there is no other alternative. because a lot of these people just go around searching for spam so they can spam the spam.
ok Mods. Here is the solution.
there is no other alternative. because a lot of these people just go around searching for spam so they can spam the spam.
KIRUPA!! i got it. TURN off the Post count for a while.
I really don’t get why they think post count matters.
As I said in the other thread… www.dailyrhetoric.com (formerly tfgen3.com ) disabled their post counts. Everyones post count says “Who Cares !?”.
But who knows, this might enforce MORE spamming because you can’t see their post count and therefore can’t tell how much they post.
we should do that for a few days and see what happens. The “Who Cares?” thing… maybe they will get the hint…
that is why I got on Alex’s case when he celebrated 2k yesterday. His response was “I don’t know enough to help.” I told him to learn more, ignorance was not an excuse to spam.
I’ve always thought celebrating post counts was a bad idea… kids love to be acknowledged…
i GURANTEE that postcounts are the #1reason people spam. they think higher numbers will lead to them being MODS. Disable it for a week and see how much things change. Hell, if u really wanted to make it serious you coudl do what yayhooray does, and disable Avatars and signatures( except for mods ofcourse)
I will disable post counts for a week - is everyone else for it? I think disabling sigs and avatars is just a tad bit too much =)
Kirupa :asian:
What post count? :beam:
*Originally posted by vts31 *
**i GURANTEE that postcounts are the #1reason people spam. they think higher numbers will lead to them being MODS. Disable it for a week and see how much things change. Hell, if u really wanted to make it serious you coudl do what yayhooray does, and disable Avatars and signatures( except for mods ofcourse) **
Yeah, people do think post count leads to modhood. EG was telling me Alex thinks he has a chance at being modded. The day the happens is the day I leave kirupaforum.
And yes, disable avatars and sigs is a bit extreme. It makes it easier to skim through posts by looking at avatars and sigs because you can better identify who is who, I don’t know what I would do without them. I would hate to have to go and read the name everytime someone posts instead of just automatically recognizing them by their avatar and/or footer.
I did not permanently remove them though - I only edited out the template that is responsible for displaying them. In the background, vBulletin is keeping track of the post counts. Eventually, a while from now, when we reinstate the post counts, the post count will be accurate and not missing days worth of posts =)
the memberlist still shows post count…
just an FYI
Yeah, thats the first thing I checked, the memberlist. And it indeed does still show the post count.
Yeah it does - removing that takes some more steps which I have no idea how to implement. I guess if people really want to know, they can go to the Members area =)
Well I see no point in removing it from there as well anyway.
no prob from my end…
removing the numbers from the threads is enuff i think
Actually, NaliWarCowZ just IM’ed me with a better solution. How about disabling post counts in Random? We can display the post counts below our names, but the post count will not be updated when anybody posts in Random.
You can only get 2000+ posts if you post elsewhere on the Help forums. This ensures spammers keep their post count at zero, helps us find out helpful members (2000 posts in non-Random is quite good).
Kirupa :bad:
look at the big brain on nali!
I like it…
Hmmm, that sounds interesting, but it also sounds like it may have some down sides, right now I can’t think of any, but I am sure they are there.
But it definitely will help root out the good helpers.
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