How to do this in flash
when you click on one of the pics it opens up a pop up window and the window under goes into an alpha mode, it is done with css and java but is there a way to do it in flash?
Thanks a lot guys

Yes, its pretty easy. if you have your flash set up for full-screen, you simply have a black rectangle movie clip with its alpha set to 50%, and _visible = false, and on top of that, a ‘content’ movie clip with the popup stuff in it, with _visible also set to false

then when you click on an item you set the black movie clips _visible = true, then make the popup content movie clip _visible = true as well…

Ok i have a main swf that loads external swfs into a target trigger by buttons, each swf is an xml photogallery and loads jpgs and swf, the swf that load into this xml are buttons that, when clicked, open up a pop up window with the same image bigger and i am using easy pop up for that…it’s complicated so i am not even sure how to start…i’ll give it a shot, i got the idea but the easy pop up i think won’t allow me to do that.
Thanks a lot

try this:

[QUOTE=student07;2343069]try this:[/QUOTE]

This is cool, but i am not sure how can i adapt it to my site.
I have an xml gallery that loads external swf in which the button of the pop up is inside…i mean can i load an html page into an xml gallery? I did try but no luck…how to do this with an xml gallery?
Thanks a lot

well the easy way would be to add a black alpha background mc to a key frame.
Then when you click alpha mode button it goes to this key frame.
Remember to make the black alpha background mc on top of everything you’d like to cover.
Add a layer on top of black alpha background layer with an empty movie clip that loads all your external swf’s you want to see when the alpha mode button is clicked.
Also, remember you need to add action to the alpha mode bg

invisBtn.onRelease = function(){}
invisBtn.useHandCursor = false;

PS the alpha background instance name is invisBtn