How To Export A Button To Use On Dreamweaver?!


I want to be able to access thru dreamweaver to the buttons that i
make on flash mx…

Is it possible to save as button on the flash, or the only way is to
save as fla.?

If there is another way to achieve this , i would be glad for some help


I am a lil lost no the subject could u maybe explain a lil more?

Let me explain again…

When i make a button on flash mx , i save the project
as fla.

So when i open the flash project on Dreamweaver
i get all the fla project and not just the button…

is there a way to import just the button??


Yes you must publish the file in Flash. File -> Publish. Then in Dreamweave you import the .swf file that was published. That is if the only thing in the flash movie was the button.

you need to publish (shift+f12) to get a .swf, which is then embedded in HTML through DW…

if it is the size of the movie which is the problem, then simply make the stage the size of your button before publishing (very little white space outside your button)…



thanks for the help!