How to make vertical bars that move randomly


As a Flash beginner this effect looks quite cool to me :slight_smile: Does anybody have any tips on how to make those vertical bars that move randomly and how to organize layers or making movie clips for the fading in of the object. Thanks for any help


Are you looking to make an Equilaiser?


Actually…no. What i’m trying to do are those vertical bars that move randomly horizontal. You can see it in the upper link (under “this”).


If you are asking what it seems like you are asking… its pretty easy…

Just make several rectangles… and motion tween them on and off the stage…

if you want some random motion:
put a rectangle into a new movieclip
then on the movieclip, add this script:

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
   factor=1; //you can adjust this to give the movieclip larger abilities of movement.
   this._y += Math.random()*factor;

sorted :slight_smile:
if you want to have multiple moving rectangles, simple copy and paste the movieclip. :slight_smile:

yea… i always just make it random manually…

just but a few bars here and there on the stage…
then here and there off the stage…

and tween them randomly on and off the stage…

to fade in, simply create a new movieclip and make a new motion tween.
in the first frame of the mortion tween change the alpha of the movieclip to 0, and to 100 at the end.

if you want to do it with actionscript, you can do it like this:

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
   if (this._alpha < 100) {
      this._alpha += 5; //you can change this to make the increasing alpha speed different.

hope this helps

rotf - if you predefine the movement, it is not random…

whatever… looks random… thats what this is all about…
making things look like things they are not…

are all 125 of your posts that newbie?

I dont know… may be…

Hey thanks for your kindness though… I appreciate it.


muwhahaha. make that 126

all i was saying was: you’re giving this guy stuff he doesn’t want. if someone is aiming to create random movement then they would create random movement, they wouldn’t create something that is LIKE random movement, especially when random movement is 100% possible (you may wish to refer above, kmax - i’ve given you a how-to) and also: using as instead of a tween would lower the file size.

thanks for the tip… maybe I will start using that method if the file size is lower…
maybe easier to since you dont have to make the tweens…

you work as a graphic designer?

no, i’m 15 and still at school.

Thanks for help guys!
