I was wondering if anyone knows of a tutorial or the technique to create the animation for the random moving bars in the animation at the top of the following page.
Thank you,
I was wondering if anyone knows of a tutorial or the technique to create the animation for the random moving bars in the animation at the top of the following page.
Thank you,
Who said they are random?
Watch the thickest lines, they move at a set pattern. Those lines are tweened.
Oh yeah, and there is a random motion tutorial you can apply to lines as well…
Wow you are fast! Thanks for the help I am kind of new at this.
I guess random is how I want the bars in my animation to look so hopefully I can use the tutorial you directed me to. I think I am wanting the look of random rather than necessarily actually random. Any tips on getting tweens to look as convincing as the ones in the animation I referenced?
Thanks for your help,
Hmmm as for a tip on getting the tweens to look random.
It seems Kirupa used about 3 or 4 of the same movie clip at different height and widths (you can use the free transform tool to do this, just make sure your clip is big enough so the edges don’t show in your movie. So you will be doing the tween inside a movie clip symbol.
Then when you do your tweens, make sure your tween is more than just back and forth, make it do a couple of things so its not as easy to follow and recognize unless you try.
Then when you use the same movie clip symbol on the stage you can use the free transform tool to rotate the movie clip so the tween actually looks different because the clip is facing a different direction.
No clue if these will work as I have never tried, but maybe worth a try and it will keep file size down.
Just make sure not to have too many tweens at once or CPU usage will cause your movie to lag.
Thank you again. That makes sense!! I will give it a try. I think I might actually be able to create the effect I am going for now.
I wish you luck
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