How to open Word .doc from stand-alone player?

I need to open a Word .doc from within a flash exe projector. Eventually this needs to be on a cross-platform CD, but I’d be happy to see it work from the desktop of my PC at this point!

Apparently the External API only works with a swf residing in a webpage, so I think that leaves me with fscommand. I googled this extensively and it seems like it should be simple, but I can’t even get the most trivial example of fscommand(“exec”, file_name); to work.

I should mention that I’m using CS4, AS3, and Flash Player 10.

I did post about this problem in the CS4 forum, but was hoping I’d have more luck here. I’m sorry if that is against forum etiquette, I’m somewhat new to this – I tried to remove the other thread but couldn’t figure out how!

Thanks for your help…