How to the line effect with actionscript!

In the above movie there are lines moving back and forth, but they are individual layers. Is it possible to make a random movement with only one line being copied with actionscript?

Yes you can… I will be using modified code from the Random Motion in Flash MX tutorial on this site…

Ok, first, create a line on the stage and convert it to a movie clip symbol. Next give it the instance name “line”.

Right click on it and open the actions panel.

Apply these actions to the movie clip…

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {

Now, Right click on the keyframe and open the actions panel. And apply these actions to the Frame…

//special thanks to Suprabeener for the code
//specify the width of the movie
width = 300;
function getdistance(x, x1) {
	var run, rise;
	run = x1-x;
	return (_root.hyp(run));
function hyp(a, b) {
	return (Math.sqrt(a*a+b*b));
MovieClip.prototype.reset = function() {
	var dist, norm;
	this.x = this._x;
	this.speed = Math.random()*4+2;
	this.targx = Math.random()*width;
	dist = _root.getdistance(this.x, this.targx);
	norm = this.speed/dist;
	this.diffx = (this.targx-this.x)*norm;
MovieClip.prototype.move = function() {
	if (_root.getdistance(this.x, this.targx)>this.speed) {
		this.x += this.diffx;
	} else {
		this.x = this.targx;
		if (!this.t) {
			this.t = getTimer();
		if (getTimer()-this.t>1000) {
			this.t = 0;
	this._x = this.x;
for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
	_root.line.duplicateMovieClip("line"+i, i);
	myLine = _root["line"+i];
	myLine._x = Math.random()*width;

PS: Refresh my memory… was it you who I fixed that file for in the first place? I can’t remember who I fixed it for, or what I fixed…lol.

Thanks lostinbeta!

No problem :slight_smile: