How'd he do it?

Just make f1 and 2 the same image or just a blank keyframe. Also… my bad… the circle is on one layer and the ring is on a seperate. And you have to make them graphics too.

yeah…figured that out… :slight_smile:

Thats a pretty great site, real slick. He’s only 16 too envies for starting early

I wanna know how to do the transition…bubbly thing…wwaaaaaaa

make a rectangle, animate the top of it (loop it well), animate the rectangle to move up according to % loaded, mask it. :)? Just moving a well-produced mc is all.


:q: :q: i think I have an idea how to do it. outside of flash.

shape tweens + shape hints rock::

for other interested.

I agree :slight_smile: saves on symbol creations too.